Tis' an honor of mine to present
to you the driving (*cough* *cough*) force behind Q0A...
Random Crap Inc. started off origionally named "Hoffman Studios." I changed the name after discovering there is already a Hoffman Studios. Well I changed to RCI back in May 2001, SO DON'T STEAL MY NAME!!!
Same old, same old...
0000 AGENT!
I might add to this later on... my idea for
Ground Zero has been put on hold due to a lack of technical ability to
handle what I want for it (i.e. a Ground Zero message board thats split
up into many different areas of discussion; if you know where I can get
something like that, lemme
know... I'll make it worth your while... somehow...)
Also, if the comic catches on, I might open
a joint Q0A/RCI store at CafePress. Why CafePress? Where else could I get
the material resources I'd like in a store? I know their prices are robbery,
but the stuff would be worthwhile. Lemme know what you think about that.
Also, should you need some art made, I'm
here for ya. Lemme know what ya need, and I'll get it out for ya... assuming
I can pull it off of course. For example, if you want me to do it in another
art style... unuh, NOT HAPPENING.
And, finally, check back once and a while
for a random rant by... ME! It'll deal with everything from politics to
sports to the poor, poor quality of todays school lunch food.
~Andrew Hoffman (aka El HoffGod)
RCI and Q0A is copyrighted,
trademarked, and patented (not really, I just like to say that) by ANDREW
HOFFMAN!!! Steal my stuff under penalty of watching Judge Judy. You
know you don't want that to happen, do you? DO YOU? All rights, lefts,
and in-betweens reserved... fool.
***comic_name*** is hosted
on Keenspace, a free webhosting
and site automation service for webcomics.