Gasp! I have fan art! Check it out!

First peice of fan art comes from my friend Lauren (Her last name has been retained to protect the guilt... er... innocent).
This is a drawing she made of Michelle (actually, this is the second one she made, but she got rid of the first one becaue it made Michelle look like a "piece of ass.")
And yes, she is a better artist than I am. Shut up.

The second piece was submitted by a DTL reader. It's not original artwork, but instead a wallpaper that's a collage of a bunch of DTL comics. It's really cool.
(Specs: Wallpaper is designed for a 1280x1024 desktop and is in PNG format)

The second DTL collage by the great Nathan! It has different comics than the first one, but it's just as spiffy! Check it out!
(Specs: Wallpaper is designed for a 1280x1024 desktop and is in PNG format)